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Guadalajara, Mexico

Administrative Assistant, Creative Director & Specials Leader

Dear Amici! My name is Alessa Arenas and this will be my fifth year working at Bambini Creativi. I am originally from Guadalajara, Mexico, where all our family is currently living.

After high school, I spent a year in London living with an Italian family, and that’s when I started loving all things about Italy. I looked after their kids, traveled, went to school, and got my English certificates from Cambridge University.

Then I moved back home and got my Bachelor’s Degree in Design. I also studied Italian, and my idea was to finish at University and start a Masters in Italy or Spain. Instead, I fell in love, got married, and moved to Kansas.

We spent three wonderful years in Kansas! My first son was born here, but we decided to return to Mexico, where my second child was born. We enjoyed being close to our family and friends, but life was too hectic and the quality of time for our kids was not the ideal. My husband got a new job offer from the same company, and we decided to move back to Kansas for good.

It took us four years to get our green cards, a lot of stories, adventures, learning, and patience included. My visa did not allow me to work, so I spent most of my time assisting teachers in my kid's school in the Shawnee Mission School District.

One of the teachers was the one who sent me to Bambini Creativi! I am thankful to be part of such a special place where anything can happen and where I have found my own family and community. 


This will be my 5th year working at Bambini, I am excited to lead the Specials team this year, help in the Office and serve the School in any way is needed! 

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