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After returning from the 2017 International Baccalaureate World Conference in Orlando, I was for certain our next big achievement as a community and a school, that we would pursue the rigorous and prestigious process of becoming an International Baccalaureate School.  The International Baccalaureate Organization originated in Geneva, Switzerland in 1963. It has grown to be Internationally recognized for its rigorous academics, progressive child-led and inquiry-based approach to learning, and more importantly, its preparation to nurture globally minded and world-ready students! This year our goals are to raise $55,000 in funds to initiate the application process, receive proper training for our teaching team members, and acquire IB materials and software to assist us in the candidacy process.

  5th Annual 2017 Fall Fundriaser Event- Passport to the World         

  2017 Annual Winter Coat & Toy Drive for Salvation Army                


  2018 Spring Fundraiser for Kansas City MakersSpaces                    


Together we can keep our community warm and loved this winter season! One of Bambini Creativi's core values are that we not only care for our Bambini Creativi children, but we also care for elevating the quality of our children's experience in our local community and beyond!  This winter, we ask that you, please bring in your old or new winter coats, hats, gloves and scarves to keep our fellow Kansas Citians warm! Also, we are asking for you to take a Salvation Army Angle from our Christmas tree in the lobby during our Winter Celebration Exhibit. Please donate a gift requested by a child in our community who may not receive a gift this holiday season! Our project of giving serves as a great lesson to our amici!

Two innovative Kansas City startups, Bambini Creativi & Slcket, have joined forces to design this new classroom and raise 100% funds to create this magical MakersSpace at Woodland Elementary, a Kansas city Public School! That's right! From the fresh new paint, furnishings, educational materials and more, and it all came together in just one week!!! Transformations like this should be happening in every underserved school! We believe all children should have access and the right to meaningful and magical learning experiences like our blessed students at Bambini Creativi! Thank you for being such a supportive community and doing your part to help make this experience a reality for our Kansas City kids! Who is ready to donate and volunteer to help our next candidate school?!


Brianne Teevan-Bongiovanni

Head of School


400 East 135th Street

Kansas City, MO 64145

(816) 941. PLAY or (7529)




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